
Partnership Group Picture

Diverse Courses Consortium

FH Joanneum, the project coordinator for Diverse Courses, is a leading Austrian university of applied sciences known for its practice-oriented education. With a focus on employability, research, and innovation, FH Joanneum aligns with the project’s goals of providing educators with tools to unlock the full potential of diverse adult learners.

With a focus on vocational training and social services, Fundación Docete Omnes brings practical expertise to the Diverse Courses project. Their development of the online platform to host the toolkit will ensure that the project’s valuable outcomes are easily accessible to educators, fostering inclusive and diverse adult learning environments.

Dafni Kentro Epaggelmatikis Katartisis (Dafni Kek) is a Greek organisation specialising in adult education and consulting. Their focus on innovative methodologies, social inclusion, and knowledge transfer aligns with the Diverse Courses project’s mission. As leaders in quality management for the project, they will ensure the development of high-quality resources to support diverse adult learners.

Focused on diversity, equity, and international collaboration, Atlântica Instituto Universitário is dedicated to quality education for all. Their role in the Diverse Courses project, leading the development of the “Unlocking Learners’ and Educators’ Potentials” result, underscores their expertise in inclusive teaching practices and their commitment to enhancing adult education across Europe.

Cramars, a non-profit focused on social activities and adult education, takes a practical approach to fostering inclusivity. Their work on the Diverse Courses”project’s “Understanding Learners’ and Educators’ Potentials” work package demonstrates their dedication to providing tools and strategies for educators to create inclusive learning spaces.

Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde, an adult education center in Portugal, will lead the dissemination of the Diverse Courses project’s outcomes. This ensures that valuable resources on diversity and inclusion in adult education reach a wide audience of educators.